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Visit & Facilities

Visit & Facilities
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  • The hygiene of the facilities will be strengthened by regular disinfection.
  • Sanitising mats and alcohol hand sanitisers are provided.
  • The Museum will review the situation and adjust relevant preventive measures as and when necessary.

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Monday, Wednesday to Friday: 1pm - 9pm
Saturday, Sunday and public holiday: 10am - 9pm
Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: closed at 5pm
Closed on Tuesdays (except public holiday), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year


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Ticketing Information

Standard front stalls $ 30 stalls $ 40
Concession* front stalls $ 15 stalls $ 20

*Applicable to full-time students, people with disabilities (and one accompanying carer) and senior citizens aged 60 or above. Persons paying concessionary rate may be requested to produce a valid document for verification of eligibility.

(children under 3 years old will not be admitted)

Please check the URBTIX page for the latest ticket sales information.

Standard $ 10
Concession# $ 5
Group $ 7
  • Group Ticket rate is a special rate of Standard Ticket for groups of 20 people or more per visit.
  • Free admission for children under 4 years old accompanied by an adult with a ticket.
  • Free admission on Wednesdays.
  • Free admission for full-time students or holders of valid Museum Pass.

#Applicable to people with disabilities (and one accompanying carer) and senior citizens aged 60 or above. Persons paying concessionary rate may be requested to produce a valid document for verification of eligibility.

The following organisations can apply for waiver of admission fees of Exhibition Halls:

  1. Kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, universities (except private schools offering educational courses such as tutorial, commercial, language and computer courses) and charitable organisations or non-profit-making organisations registered in Hong Kong in a group of 20 visitors or more
  2. Schools and charitable organisations or non-profit-making organisations registered in Hong Kong serving people with disabilities or senior citizens aged 60 or above in a group of 10 visitors or more

Written application should be made at least 2 weeks before the date of visit and will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis subject to availability. Application from can be found here.

  • Please show your student ID card or Senior Citizen Card upon entry.
  • Please follow the instructions of the museum staff when enter. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Hong Kong Space Museum is final.

Unlimited admission to the permanent and special exhibitions (unless otherwise specified) of museums under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) during the validity period of Museum Pass.
Please click here for details.

Advance booking up to one week is available.

Tickets for Exhibition Halls and Space Theatre shows are available at the Space Museum Box Office as well as all URBTIX outlets. For the addresses of outlets, please visit https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ticket/counter.html.

URBTIX Internet Ticketing: http://www.urbtix.hk (The system will be updated at 10:00 am daily)
Telephone credit card booking: 3166 1288
Ticketing enquiries: 3166 1100

Museum Box Office Opening Hours

Monday, Wednesday to Friday 12:00 noon - 8:45 pm
Saturday, Sunday and public holiday 10:00 am - 8:45 pm
Tuesdays Closed
  • First two days of the Chinese New Year: Closed
  • Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year's Eve: Closed at 5:00 pm


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Visitors please note the followings:

  • To ensure a pleasant visit for everyone, please do not bring large objects and bags, and any items which may cause annoyance or inconvenience to others into the Hong Kong Space Museum. Museum staff have the right to request visitors to deposit their personal belongings at the counter.
  • Please do not write on, mark, soil or damage any exhibit, installation, wall or facility in the Museum.
  • To avoid accidents, please do not run or play inside the Museum.
  • To keep our facilities clean and tidy, please do not eat or drink beyond the foyer of the Museum.
  • Visitors must comply with the "Museums Regulation" (Cap. 132, section 105I) and any other rules set by the Museum as when required.


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Guided Tours

“Solar System Exploration” Guided Tour

Venue: Hall of the Cosmos, G/F
Every Saturday
Time: 2:30, 3:15, 4:30 and 5:15 pm (around 30 minutes per session)
(Programmes are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice.)
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 15 persons per session (Quotas are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.)
Participation: Visitors with a valid Museum Pass or admission ticket are free to join on-spot. Please arrive at the exhibit “Inside the Sun” in the “Hall of the Cosmos” 5 minutes before the tour begins.

Please click here for exhibition halls ticketing information.

“Know more about exhibits” Fixed Point Interpretation

Venues: Museum Volunteers will provide interpretation services for different exhibits.

Exhibition Halls


Hall of the Cosmos, G/F

  • Solar System Revealed
  • Golden Eye on the Cosmos
  • Aurora

Hall of Space Exploration, 1/F

  • Keep Fit in Space
  • Shenzhou Re-entry Capsule

Date: Every Sunday (except 2.3.2025 & 9.3.2025)
Time: 2:30–3:45 pm, 4:15–5:30 pm
(Programmes are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice.)
Language: Cantonese
: Visitors with valid Museum Pass or admission ticket are free to join on-spot. 

Please click here for exhibition halls ticketing information.


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Our Programmes

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Visit Our

Commanding a hemispherical screen of 23 metres in diameter, the Space Theatre has been serving the public since 1980. Boasting the first OMNIMAX projection system in the eastern hemisphere, Hong Kong Space Museum is also the first planetarium in the world to possess a fully automated audiovisual computer system for projecting sky shows at its Space Theatre. Other facilities of the Space Theatre, including the digital sky projection system, audio equipment, the control studio and the production studio have been upgraded with cutting-edge technologies to provide audiences with exhilarating audiovisual experiences.

Lecture Hall
  • Suitable for lectures, small-scale performance and film shows, the Lecture Hall of the museum is available for hire by the public
  • Seating capacity: 193 seats
  • Stage area: 6m × 3m
  • A baby grand piano for rent
  • Scale of hire charges
Gift Shop

Museum Shop is located next to the Foyer of the museum, offer for sale of a selection of featured products, including scientific toys, games, boutique and souvenirs. Valid Museum Pass holders can enjoy a 10% discount off any purchase of products.

Opening Hours
Monday, Wednesday to Friday : 1:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays : 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Christmas Eve and Lunar New Year Eve : Closed at 5:00 pm
Closed on Tuesday (except Public Holidays) and the first two days of the Lunar New Year


Tel:2682 3576
Fax:2369 3007

Facilities for the Disabled

Barrier-free Facilities

To strive for a barrier-free museum, the Hong Kong Space Museum is committed to providing equal access for all so that everyone can fully participate and enjoy their visits to the museum. We shall pay attention to the needs and constraints of persons with disabilities in using the museum facilities and offer them suitable assistance.

Currently, barrier-free facilities and services provided at the Hong Kong Space Museum include:

  • A Braille and Tactile Floor Plan at the main entrance
  • Tactile guide paths at the entrance and the foyer leading to both the Space Theatre and the Exhibition Hall on the first floor
  • An enquiry counter with height suitable for wheelchair users at the foyer
  • An induction loop system installed at the box office, the enquiry counter and the entrance of the Space Theatre for hearing impaired persons
  • An accessible toilet on the Ground Floor foyer
  • Braille indicators in the passenger lift and on staircase railings
  • Audio and visual signals in the fire alarm system
  • Designated spaces convenient for wheelchair users (4 in Lecture Hall and 4 in Space Theatre)

Access Officer

The Access Officer of the Hong Kong Space Museum is Miss Gloria Tsang, Manager (Space Museum), who can be contacted at 2734 2707 during office hours (9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Mon to Fri). During non-office hours, please call our Duty Manager at 6022 0913.

To support the Government's initiative in promoting breastfeeding, the Hong Kong Space Museum provides a Babycare Room at G/F Foyer to enable users to breastfeed infants and young children. Facilities inside the room include: nappy changing table, seat, sink with tap and soap dispenser, waste container and electrical outlet (for breastmilk expression equipment).


Location Map

Location Map

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Hire Venues

Hong Kong Space Museum Lecture Hall Hiring Information

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Forms Download

You can download forms related to visits and programmes here.

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Getting Here

Address: Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

General Enquiries: (852) 2721 0226
Fax: (852) 2367 8320
Email: hkspm@lcsd.gov.hk

Transport: Please click here to search suitable transportation modes and routes to plan your visit.

Travel to Nearby Cultural Facilities:
If you wish to visit nearby cultural facilities, please refer to the following transportation information to plan your itinerary.

Destinations Suggested Transportations
Hong Kong Museum of History KMB routes 5, 5C, 8, 8A, 14X, 26, 28, 41A, 98D
Green Minibus route 8
Hong Kong Science Museum
M+ Museum KMB routes 215X, 281A, 296D, HK1
Hong Kong Palace Museum KMB routes 296D, HK1
Xiqu Centre MTR
KMB route 12
Green Minibus route 3

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Inclement Weather Special Arrangements

Current Weather
  1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above
    • If the signal is in force before opening hours, the Museum will remain closed.
    • If the signal is issued during opening hours, the Museum will be closed.
    • If the signal is cancelled or lowered to Signal No. 3 or below 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the Museum will resume service within 2 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the Museum will remain closed for the rest of the day.
  2. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal
    • If the signal is in force before opening hours, the Museum will remain closed.
    • If the signal is cancelled 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the Museum will resume service within 2 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the Museum will remain closed for the rest of the day.
    • If the signal is issued during opening hours, the Museum will remain open.
  3. “Extreme Conditions”
    • If “Extreme Conditions” is in force before opening hours, the Museum will remain closed.
    • If "Extreme Conditions" is cancelled 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the Museum will resume service within 2 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the Museum will remain closed for the rest of the day.
    • If the Museum is already open, the opening hours may be subject to adjustment.

  1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above
    • If the signal is in force before the shows start, the shows will be cancelled.
    • If the signal is cancelled or lowered to Signal No. 3 or below 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the shows will resume within 3 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the shows will be cancelled.
    • If the signal is issued during the shows, the shows will continue.
  2. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal
    • If the signal is in force before the Museum’s opening hours, the shows will be cancelled.
    • If the signal is cancelled 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the shows will resume within 3 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the shows will be cancelled.
    • If the signal is issued during the Museum’s opening hours, the shows will continue.
  3. “Extreme Conditions”
    • If “Extreme Conditions” is in force before the Museum’s opening hours, the shows will be cancelled.
    • If "Extreme Conditions" is cancelled 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the shows will resume within 3 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the shows will be cancelled.
    • If the signal is issued during the Museum’s opening hours, the shows will continue.


Indoor Programmes
For parents and children, children, kindergartens#, primary schools#, special schools#, children centres, elderly centres, and other similar organisations (including guided tours):

  1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above (including Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement) / "Extreme Conditions"
    • Ongoing programmes will be suspended.
    • If the above-mentioned weather condition(s) is issued or remains in force 3 hours before the commencement of the programmes, the programmes will be cancelled.
  2. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or Red / Black Rainstorm Warning Signal
    • Ongoing programmes will continue.
    • If the signal is issued or remains in force 3 hours before the commencement of the programmes, the programmes will be cancelled.

    Other Indoor Programmes (including guided tours):

    1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above (including Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement) / "Extreme Conditions"
      • Ongoing programmes will be suspended.
      • If the above-mentioned weather condition(s) is issued or remains in force 3 hours before the commencement of the programmes, the programmes will be cancelled.
    2. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal
      • Ongoing programmes will continue.
      • If the warning signal is issued or remains in force 3 hours before the commencement of the programmes, the programmes will be cancelled.
    3. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 / Red Rainstorm Warning Signal
      • All programmes will proceed as scheduled.

    #If the Education Bureau announces class suspension, programmes for kindergartens, primary schools, special schools, and secondary schools will be cancelled.

    Outdoor Programmes

    Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above / Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal / "Extreme Conditions"

      • Ongoing programmes may be suspended subject to actual weather conditions.
      • If the signal is issued or remains in force 3 hours before the commencement of the programmes, the programmes will be cancelled.
      • Due to variations in actual circumstances for each programme, please refer to the individual event details for special arrangements in inclement weather.
    Arrangements for Fee-Charging Programmes
    1. Rescheduled or refund arrangements will be made for cancelled programmes.
    2. Unless the Museum is closed due to inclement weather, the scheduled group visits of Free Admission will not be cancelled.
    3. For enquiries, please call (852) 2721 0226, and stay tuned to announcements on TV or radio.

    * Please pay attention to the announcements published on Museum's Facebook page and Instagram account for the latest inclement weather arrangement.


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