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2022 Global naming competition of ExoWorlds
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Any combination of professional astronomers, amateur astronomers, astronomy enthusiasts, teachers, and students can constitute a team. Scientists in other fields can also be part of a team.
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The minimum requirement is that one single individual cannot constitute a team. Therefore, the minimum number of team members is two, but having a healthy amount of team members representing a variety of fields will put your submission at an advantage. There is no limit to the number of people a team can have.
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Yes, a team can be constituted by members from more than one country/region, but the team needs to select a country/region that represents most or all of the members at the time of submission. For example, a team can "borrow" an astronomer from another country or region to be on their team.
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Yes, and you can submit your proposal from anywhere. However, due to the nature of the selection process, each team must select under which country the proposal is submitting under. The proposal then still has to go through a national vetting process and compete against other proposals in that country to take up that country's slot in the final selection.
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Teams are limited to a single submission (in this case, a pair of names; one for the exoplanet and one for their host star).
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Yes, you are allowed to participate in more than one team, provided that the constituents of the teams are not exactly the same.
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A team may have parts of their outreach initiatives shared with another team, provided not all details are exactly identical. However, note that these teams will first have to compete against each other in the national vetting round if they both belong to the same country.
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No. IAU affiliation is not required. There are no strict criteria for what constitutes a professional astronomer. A general rule of thumb is anyone involved in an astronomy publication can be considered a professional astronomer, but we're not asking you to prove it.
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No. A team is composed of individuals. Those individuals, however, may have different affiliations. In the proposal submission form, team members can include their affiliations, although they will not be considered as acting on the institution's behalf.
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Activities either on-site or online that involve communicating astronomy with other individuals constitute an outreach event. We would like to leave this description flexible so you can comeup with your own!
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If you're looking for ideas, our office is holding the "100 Hours of Astronomy" event from 1 to 4 October 2022 where we plan to organize a worldwide celebration of 100 hours of astronomical activities. Find out more about these activities as your reference at:
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No, all outreach events need to be carried out and completed before the submission deadline by 11 November 2022. The outreach initiatives report is an integral part of the submission..
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You can check the name against the list here. Names on that list are either 1) previously adopted by the IAU (or one of its working groups) for some celestial object, or 2) common names of celestial objects that have not been officially adopted by the IAU, but are in sufficiently common use in the astronomical literature they appear in the SIMBAD database (link) and should be avoided as being applied to other celestial objects so as to avoid confusion.
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No. The team can submit only-text submission if it provides reasoning why you cannot deliver the video component (e.g. anxiety to be on camera, not possessing enough technical skills, video recording capability is not accessible, etc.).
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Currently we do not yet have plans to release the video beyond our internal reviewing. However, if we decide to release them, we'll be sure to contact your teams to obtain proper consent.
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